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Curriculum Vitae #

🗓️ July 2016 - January 2017
💻 Junior Developer
@ Fincons Group

During this internship, I was responsible for writing documentation and business requirements and doing QA.

🗓️ January 2017 - March 2017
💻 Junior Analyst
@ Fincons Group

Manage relations between clients and developers, configure systems for the clients. Worked with Oracle, SqlServer and a lot of PL/SQL procedures.

🗓️ July 2017 - December 2017
💻 Junior Developer
@ Guard.Social

Develop new features of the product with AngularJS. Bug fixing and maintenance of legacy codebase written in vanilla JS and JQuery. Working in an Agile environment with Kanban board.

🗓️ January 2018 - January 2019
💻 Frontend Developer
@ Accurat

Building rich UI with a strong focus on Data Visualization. Worked with React, Mobx, Mobx-State-Tree, D3 and TypeScript.

🗓️ February 2019 - June 2019
💻 Software Craftsman apprentice
@ Codurance

Study and practice TDD, both classicist and London School. Clean code and clean architectures. OOP patterns. CI/CD. DevOps with AWS and CirlceCI. Practicing code katas in Java, JavaScript and Clojure. Agile and XP.

🗓️ June 2019 - November 2019
💻 Software Craftsman
@ Codurance

Worked on:

  • an internal tool, built with AWS lambda, Postgres, Hasura, GraphQL and React. Pipeline with AWS CodePipeline, deployed on ECS.
  • a prototype data visualization app, built with Svelte, D3,

🗓️ November 2019 - April 2021
💻 Fullstack developer
@ Lifull Connect

Worked on :

  • Thribee: a B2B web app, built with PHP and JavaScript, deployed with Jenkins. This was a legacy project, with hundreds of files developed across the years; the main difficulties one had to face where those related to add new features in a system that is a big ball of mud, with almost no tests. We used to work with a copy of “Working with legacy code” on our desk for this reason ;) It was a huge opportunity to learn how to do a change without breaking things and practice refactors, parallel changes and how to grow a test base in a system where it was a second thought.
  • Proppit: a brand new web platform which integrates with all the portals of LifullConnect and enables clients to publish real estate Ads on one of the biggest real estate network in the web. This time it was a greenfield project, built with PHP, JS (react) and deployed on K8s, with the CI hosted on gitlab. Here I had the chance to see how to grow a codebase in a secure and agile way, driven by tests and product requirements. I started to work in this project since March 2019 until now, and we always wrote vertical slice of features, from the database model, to the backend to the frontend.

🗓️ May 2021 - April 2022
💻 Frontend Engineer
@ Artificial Solutions

A web app built from scratch, which helps the clients to build highly efficients and complicated chatbot flows.Developed with JavaScript as the language, React as the UI library, Redux to manage the state of the app, yFiles to render complex flows in the best possible way.

Tested with Jest and Cypress, documented with Storybook.

Here the main technical challenge is to find a scalable way to integrate two libraries that aren’t really meant to work together, as React and yFiles, as both have their own way of modify the DOM.

🗓️ May 2022 - September 2022
💻 Software Engineer
@ Pitch

Worked on... The future of presentation software :) I joined team dataviz where I was responsible of improving the quality of the data visualization tools of the application. The technology was all ClojureScript, with Re-Frame to handle the state of the app, and Reagent for most of the components – even if the company was migrating to Uix, which is a newer and a more modern take on React for cljs. We tested the app with Cypress E2E and unit tests. It was a great experience, unfortunately I was part of the layoff (30% of the workforce).

🗓️ January 2023
💻 Software Consultant
@ me ;)

Since I left Pitch I started to work as a contractor, spending most of the time on Clojure/ClojureScript projects. I started to do freelancing after the layoff, and my main focus is to work with ClojureScript and Clojure because I really like the technology and the community. My main area of expertise is the frontend, but I worked as fullstack with PHP and I’m familiar with backend too. I’m open to work with other technologies, but I strongly favor functional programming. Besides my payed work I also have a couple of contributions on OSS built with Clojure(Script), like logseq and penpot.